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BKS works with the police, government, judiciary, Civil Society and vulnerable communities to help them to recognize their rights, taboos existing in our society like human trafficking and child labour. BKS also runs awareness raising programmes in communities on the importance of education and health care for mothers and young children. It has organized different state level sensitization workshops on child labour elimination and anti – human trafficking, adoption and non-institutional care and HIV-AIDS, migration and migrant children.

BKS has also done capacity building of Community Groups, continuous counseling of parents and with its efforts it has been able to join the families of vulnerable children with govt. schemes (income generation programmes like MNREGA Programmes, SGSY Programmes and making BPL Cards  for them and other schemes etc.

BKS has also provided Training and exposure visit to Police personals, members of Child Welfare Committees, members of Juvenile Justice Boards, NGO personals and other stake holders for awareness on the issue and to combat this crime or vulnerability. BKS has developed various training modules on Child Protection Laws and Acts .Capacity Building Training to more than 700 stakeholders (Police, CWC, JJB, NGO’s , Govt. officials )in the past 4 years is provided with the help of this training module , with the support of Social Welfare Department, Govt Of Jharkhand.

BKS has been able to gain  a significant media coverage including: National Geographic, India Today,  outlook, India TV, NDTV 24X7, Aaj Tak, Sahara, ETV, Sadhna, PBL Nazer, 365 Days, Dhoom Radio, All India Radio, Indian Express, Hindustan Times, Times of India, The Hindu, Telegraph, Pioneer, Prabhat Khabar, Hindustan, Ranchi Express, Dainik Jagaran, Dainik Bhasker, DD News and I-Next

BKS has also initiated to develop Policies through advocacies which are as follows:

  • Task Force: This was formed to address Child labour & Human Trafficking issues in which the Labour Commissioner, Govt. of Jharkhand is the Chairperson of the task force.
  • State Advisory Committee: ATSEC Jharkhand Chapter formed a state advisory committee for combating human trafficking in Jharkhand. The Development Commissioner, Govt. of Jharkhand is the Chairperson of the advisory committee.
  • PPP Think Board: The PPP board is the centre of the livelihood model. The board regulates the livelihood activities and allocates the resources that are brought together by the partners. ATSEC Jharkhand and BKS in cooperation with UNODC New Delhi started in July 2008 to build Private Public Partnerships (PPP) and engage the corporate sector in the battle against human trafficking. This initiative is based on the recognition that the corporate sector must be involved in social development to achieve development goals. In this regard many corporate houses already launched Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) programmes to promote human rights, environmental protection and inclusion of minorities. The main objective of PPP is “Establishing Public Private Partnership (PPP) for development of sustainable livelihood options for survivors and people vulnerable to trafficking in Jharkhand”
  • BKS with the support of Social Welfare-Women & Child Development department, Govt. of Jharkhand, has prepared a State Plan of Action to Combat Human Trafficking.

BKS has also worked on Research and knowledge dissemination like exploring patterns of trafficking and identify trafficking prone areas for shared understanding of trafficking issues in Jharkhand. It has been able to identify needs through Participatory Rural Assessment (PRA) to design necessary interventions; review programmes to leverage on successes and to rule out failures. It has also conducted Panel discussion to debating results and planning the road ahead and research have been done on status of Child Labour, Migration and Human Trafficking in Jharkhand



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