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CHILDLINE is a national project supported by Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India and linkage with the state government, NGOs, allied system and corporate sector. This 1098 is a toll free telephone number for children in need of care and protection. Any child or concerned adult on behalf of children can dial 1098 to get emergency service of CHILDLINE.

BKS is working as Nodal Agency in Pakur and as Collab in Dhanbad. Presently in Pakur 6 NGO partners working in Dhanbad.
CHILDLINE 1098 receives special mention in the Juvenile Justice (care and protection) Act, 2000 and it in corporate “the best interest of Juvenile’. CHILDLINE 1098 has been included as an integral component in the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS), 2009.

Achievement of nodal organization: Childline Pakur:

In the financial year 2013-14 nodal organization (Bal Kalyan Sangh) of CHILDLINE Pakur has achieved many successes regarding various activities. The meeting of CHILDLINE Advisory Board (CAB) was successfully conducted by nodal organization. Capacity building for entire CHILDLINE team of Pakurand different sub centers as per need.

Achievement of collab organization: CHILDLINE DHANBAD

  • Over the year CHILDLINE Dhanbad is able to attend 307 calls with different cases. The case breakup is as follows:
  •  NukkarNatak on Anti child labour at Topchanchi block
  • One week signature and sticker distribution campaign against child labour.
  •  Orientation training of all staffs of collab, Nirsa and Tundi.
  •  Resource organization meeting with CINI on anti -child labour.
  • Awareness program on CHILDLINE, child labour and child marriage.
  •  Celebration child rights day with blind children.

Case study
Kajal Kumari 8 yrs. from Sahebganj District is mentally ill and hearing-impaired too. She lost her Family at Dhanbad Railway Station and reached Vinod Nagar, Hirapur (Dhanbad) same day 9 am. Someone saw her to moving over there and she was crying. Then that concern does Call CHILDLINE1098 for help. And after that he went to Dhanbad Thana with this child and Dhanbad Thana refers this child to Childline Dhanbad to Need Care and Protections as usual. Child line Team Member Present this child before C.W.C. same day then C.W.C. give her a Shelter temporary basis at Mission of Charity for better protection and care. After 5 days Team member went to outreach at Dhanbad Railway Station he saw her missing poster on the wall of Platform. Missing poster had some Mobile Numbers Team Member do call on that mobile number and her father do pick up the phone. He told that she went Dhanbad with her grandfather from Sahebganj for her treatment in PMCH. But she got missing from Dhanbad Railway Station. On the dayof22″” March her parents come to Childline office and child has been restored with her family as per CWC order.

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