- To reach out to every child in need of care and protection by responding to emergencies on 1098 and by physically reaching out to children.
- To adapt and integrate telecommunication technology, linking all districts to the service of 1098, and making it available to all children in need of care and protection.
- Generation of a sense of security from a very first hour of rescue, of victims of trafficking and exploitation , to their reintegration in the community from which they belong.
- Generation of security to the rescued victims through shelter homes from where they will be rehabilitated and the process of their reintegration be carried out.
- Empowering them with life skill trainings, confidence building and capacitate them to lead their life on their own
- Strengthen them to fight against evils of traffickers and community
- To create an environment where no gaps could be found between victims and other members of community
- In the community the problem of individual will be considered as the problem of all and community could access security for suffers and alls
Driving Training
Case Study of Aarti Kumari

5.1 Launching Sticker Campaign on anti-child labour To stop child labour sticker campaign was launched at hotel Ashoka on dated 23rd may 2013. It was jointly organised by BKS, JSCPCR and save the children. The campaign was jointly launched by Shri Vinod Kumar, member NCPCR, New Delhi, Shri Asim Srivastava, member secretary NCPCR and Shri Sanjay Kumar Mishra, member SCPCR. The purpose was to spread the mass awareness on anti-child labour.
5.2 Survivors conference A two days regional level survivor’s conference was organized on June 7th & 8th 2013 at State institute of Rural Development, Ranchi organized by ATSEC Jharkhand Chapter and Save the Children. The purpose was to share the experiences of survivors of trafficking, to understand the problems faced, pre and post rescue to develop an action plan for the survivor’s forum identifying roles of NGOs and the government. (more…)