Hamara Bachpan Hamara Adhikar
Programme Objective:
To address the issue of Human Trafficking, Child Labour and Child Protection in source areas of Jharkhand, to aware and sensitize the people and children of Jharkhand, to advocate with government to form better policies, to work on drop out issues in Jharkhand and to combat this issue from Jharkhand and finally to create livelihood opportunities in Jharkhand.
Programme Highlights:
The two children Ms. Juhi and Ms. Poonam started anchoring the programme and they initially called the students of Rajkiya Krith Madhya Vidhyalaya Khunti to sing welcome song and welcome the honourable guests present in the dias.
After the song, Shri. Sanjay Kr. Mishra, Former Member, JSCPCR and JSCLC cum Secretary, BKS was invited to give programme introduction.
Shri. Sanjay Kr. Mishra, initially welcomed the Hon. Guests present in the dias and said that today we all have gathered here to listen the voice of children i.e in today’s Bal Sakhi Samvaad we have called the Members of NCPCR and District Administration together to listen the problems of children of Khunti. So today is the day is for the children present in the programme, where they are free to ask any questions to the Hon. Members and the District Administration regarding their rights and protection.
The programme was then inaugurated by Hon. Shri. Yashwant Jain, Member- Child Labour, Laws related to children, JJ, POCSO, NCPCR, Shri. Priyank Kanoongo, Member-RtE & Education, NCPCR, Shri. Dusyant Meher, Task Based Consultant-Education, NCPCR, Dr. Manish Ranjan (IAS), Deputy Commissioner-Khunti, Shri. Ashiwni Kumar (IPS), Superintendant of Police-Khunti and Shri. Sanjay Kr. Mishra, Former Member, JSCPCR and JSCLC cum Secretary, BKS.
After the inauguration the Bal Sakhi Samvaad started and interaction between children and NCPCR and District Administration, Khunti was held in which following questions were raised and answers were given:
A girl Susari Kumari from Rajkiyakrith Madhya Vidhyalaya said that she knows that, when in family if anyone does wrong or beats her for any wrong purpose then she should inform her parents and likewise if someone does in her school then she should inform her teacher but if teacher and parents does behaves bad with the children then whom should they inform or say?
The Hon. Member, NCPCR Shri. Yashwant Jain said that if teacher or a parent is abusing the child then the child can inform this to the respected District Administration or Police Officials. If a teacher or parents does sexual abuse with the child then, there in NCPCR website there is a button called e-pocso which whenever a child feels unsafe can click and can complaint there or can directly call and give complaint in which NCPCR would take strict and quick actions.
Further the Hon. D.C.-Khunti-Shri. Manish Ranjan said there is also a facility of CHILDLINE (1098) where children can complaint or get help for any problems. Further he said in the blocks and district we also conduct Parents Teachers Meeting on monthly basis. For complain of children we have kept a complaint box in block and collectariat. Sujhav box is also there in which any one can put their comments and issues in the box.
A girl Namita Kumari from KGBV Kalamati asked that we have also seen in maximum cases of child labour that due to poverty in the family the children are forced to work as domestic labour. So what can we do that child does not have compulsion to do the work because of poverty?
The Hon. Member, NCPCR Shri. Priyank Kanoongo said that as per the RtE 2009 Act up to 14 years every child would get not even free education but also food, books and school dress that would be provided to child by school itself, but the children above the age of 14 years -18 years child they come under the JJ Act category in which these category children cannot work in any dangerous work or harmful industries instead they can do the domestic work like serving their father/mother in his/her profession etc. But the child below the age of 14 years cannot do any type of work instead of work of home like if a father sells tea so the child after returning from school can help his/her father in selling tea for an hour or two but not more than that. Those children whose parents are not capable to teach them due to poverty for them govt. has and NGO have schemes or homes where these children are provided with education, food and other daily necessities. So if any child who is having these types of problem then one can share his/her name to NCPCR/ District Administration/ School Headmaster so that his/her problems can be resolved.
A girl Juhi Perveen from KGBV Kalamati asked that we study in school so we know what are our rights but the children who do not come to school they don’t know about their rights. Now also there are villages where children are not able to study so how can we tell them what are their rights?
The Hon. Member Shri. Priyank Kanoongo said that the child’s first right is right to education. So to bring them to school is the first thing we need to do. But here she can write the child’s name and go to the nearest school of the girl’s home and provide her name to the Principal or teacher regarding child enrolment to school. It is the responsibility of the Principal or teacher to bring every children of the village to school. And if any teacher is not able to bring any child of this category to school then they can inform the commission or district administration towards this and further actions would be taken.
Further he said that in POCSO Act –It is clear that if a complaint is filed the child do not has to go again and again to court or to the Police. If the Police call the child again and again then this can be informed to the District Administration. In the act it’s also there that the Police will go to the child’s home and take his/ her statement.
After this 1st part of Bal Sakhi Samwaad Shri. Ashwini Kumar (IPS), SP Khunti was called in the dias to say few words.
Shri. Ashwini Kumar (IPS), SP Khunti initially greeted all the Hon. Guests present in the dias. He said it’s his honour to have samvad with children. He likes having discussion with children. He said that in Khunti the first Bal Mitra thana (Child Friendly Police Station). He said after the efforts of many officials in Khunti now it has been a child friendly place but still there is a problem which needs to be addressed. In Khunti the children could go and visit the Child Friendly Police Station which has been developed according to children and it is friendly to children. If a child comes to the Police station then the police officials behave friendly with the children. He also said that as Khunti Child Friendly Police Station he has also developed the Torpa Police Station and Karra Police Station as Child Friendly Police Station. In anyone abuses they can go there and complain in the Child Friendly Police Station. They would be entertained and given support as a friend. There is also a problem of Trafficking in Khunti and this issues is really very bad so we all should work together to combat it. We need to stop girl trafficking. We need to aware the public. Lastly he said that the villagers should take responsibility about these issues. They should inform the police as and when required.
Futher Dr. Manish Ranjan, Deputy Commissioner, Khunti was invited to address.
Dr. Manish Ranjan, Deputy Commissioner, Khunti greeted all the chief guests and other Hon. Guests present in the dias and also the children. Today is a very important day as we all have came together to discuss with children in a small place of Khunti. We have come together to know how we can safeguard the children. In this day I would like to congratulate BKS and ATSEC Jharkhand as they have came forward in mission mode and has been working on the issue of human trafficking and livelihood. Shri. Sanjay Kr. Mishra, Former Member, JSCPCR and JSCLC cum Secretary, BKS has always been giving suggestion to us when required. Children don’t have the right to vote, so non-formal organizations take the issues of child forward. There are different acts that tell definitions of child. As per UNCRC child comes under 18 years of age. In Factory act says child comes under 14 years of age. In Mines Act child comes under 18 years of age and the child below the age can’t work in Mines etc. In 1986 CLPRA child comes under 14 years of age. In Child Marriage Act child below the age of 18 years (Female) and 21 years (Male). In IPC the child is also below the age of 7 years, section 82-83 says that 12 years below child is also child. In JJ Act it is revised that the child with age group of 16-18 years comes in heinous crime if he/she does any crime. Further he said let any definition be but child is below the age of 18 years. We all should ensure that every child should be safe. We all need to see the issues on each and every child. He said that for any problems they can come directly to D.C. office and tell their problems. He also said that if anyone finds any child working in any dhabas or hotels then they should inform the district officials. We all should be awared so that these types of issues don’t occur. He said to the officials and NGO that they should make a Performance matrix where they should see the NGOs assess different Panchayats on the basis of child friendly Panchayat. We need to ensure that every child goes to school and his/her life become safe. Convergence between different departments should be there. For protection of children there is POCSO act in which section 18, in a school if a child is abused then it is the responsibility of the school to inform to police instead not to hide the case. Lastly, the children are like flowers they should get such freedom and be groomed in such a way that they can reach the moon.
After this Hon. Member, NCPCR Shri. Yashwant Jain honoured Dr. Manish Ranjan (IAS), S.C. Khunti with Shawl and Momentum and Hon. Member, NCPCR Shri. Priyank Kanoongo honoured Shri. Ashwini Kumar (IPS), S.P. Khunti with shawl and momentum.
Smt. Usha Pandey, Chairman, Central Social Welfare Board and Smt. Rooplaxmi Munda, Former Chairman, JSCPCR did come during the moment and they were welcomed by the anchors.
Then Nukkad Natak was done by the KGBV School Murhu children in which they showed Nukkad Natak on the issue of Child Rights in which they raised the voice “Pehle padhai Fir Vidai”.
Then again 2nd round of Bal Sakhi Samvaad was initiated in which a student from a school asked that in her school there is no teacher who is teaching Maths, Science and English and so the students are suffering.
For this the Hon. Members of NCPCR told the District Administration Khunti to identify the problem of the school and to provide teachers to the school.
Next a girl asked that like govt. school and Minority School why NCERT books are given till 8th class, after that why it is not given?
Hon. Member, NCPCR Shri. Priyank Kanoongo said that as per RtE 2009 Act it is provisioned till 8th class only. As per govt. resources it is as present providing support till 8th class and if further the act would be revised then only any further actions can be taken.
A girl from a school asked that If any of her friend is not coming to school for a long time and one of her friend goes to her home and tries to motivate her to come to school but then also she is not coming to school then what can she do to help her friend?
Hon. Member, NCPCR Shri. Priyank Kanoongo said that if any such child is not coming to school then firstly they should tell her name. They asked her that why she is not coming to school and to tell her name, village. The District administration was asked to note the child’s name and ensure why she is not going to school.
A girl Neha Kumari from Rajkiya Kanyamrit Vidyalaya, Khunti said that since last many days training is being conducted in her classes due to which the children are not able to study. So why is the training being conducted as it is harming our studies?
NCPCR team asked the district administration about what type of training being conducted in school. They said that whatever training is being conducted should be cleared within one week.
A girl Amreen Barla from Urusuline Convent Uchch Vidyalaya, Khunti asked that the Govt. is giving more works other than teaching to their school teacher so the teacher is not able to teach in class properly due to other works.
NCPCR team asked the school teacher about the issue and solved it.
A boy Amit Kumar from Rajkiya Madhya Vidhyala, Khunti asked that if a student wants to go to school and parents doesn’t send the child to school instead they send them to work then what is happened?
NCPCR told that the parents would be jailed as per the Act. So parents should send their wards to school.
Smt. Usha Pandey, Chairman, Central Social Welfare Board, Jharkhand said that each child should know their rights and should be protected. She said that trafficking and child labour issue has grown in an alarming rate. People should be awared on these issues to combat these issues. Children should be given proper education and training so that they may not be abused in any way. Today children are the future so we should protect them and provide them their rights. We should safeguard these children. This can be possible by each one collective approach. So we all should together support in combating these issues and promote education to all children.
After this The Hon. Member, NCPCR Shri Priyank Kanoongo was invited to address in which firstly he welcomed the guests in the dias, children and all other participants. He said now a day’s one thing is being painful is that now a day’s children forget their basic culture. So all of the guardians or teachers present here should firstly ensure that children are bought up and taught in such a way so that they stay along with their basic culture without which we can’t go forward. If they would be unknown from the basic culture then their complete development could not be done. So lastly he said it is my request that next time when I come these children would greet me with Johar.
After this The Hon. Member, NCPCR Shri Yashwant Jain was invited to address in which he said its time too much so he would not take much time. He said all the people present here are for protecting child right. 2-3 Acts and laws are there which he thinks that the children should know which are 1) Marriage age should be known for male and female i.e 18 (Female) and 21 (Male). Each child should remember this and every teacher should make children remember this in every class. 2) After roaming in whole world we are seeing that girls are running with boys after being in love with them. So we should spread this that if any girl below the age of 18 years runs away with any boy then in IPC the boy would be jailed in the name of kidnapping and when the boys returns then police will arrest the boy. 3) Child Help Line 1098 should be known to each child which is a help line that is in available in any part of India to support children. 4) Under JJ Act if any person is adopting a child or anyone is giving a child adoption without the proper channel then provision of 3 years imprisonment is there. 5) If any child is given alcohol or tobacco then there is a provision of 5 years imprisonment. 6) Using any child for any un- authentic, illegal works then also, there is a provision of punishment under revised JJ Act. So all these things should be known to all. If anyone keeps Child labour then there is a provision of 2years punishment and it is called a crucial crime so all should know this and share to all your known people.
After this the children presented the Hon Members of NCPCR- Shri. Yashwant Jain and Shri. Priyank Kanoongo with a statue of Birsa Munda and honoured them. Smt. Usha Pandey Chairman, Central Social Welfare Board, Jharkhand and Smt. Rooplaxmi Munda, Former Chairman, JSCPCR were also honoured by providing shawl.
Further KGBV Murhu team who did nukkad natak were presented gifts by the hands of Hon. Members of NCPCR. The children who anchored were also provided gifts by the hands of Hon. Members of NCPCR.
Mr. Subhash Chandra Bose, DSE gave vote of thanks in which he thanked the NCPCR team, Smt. Usha Pandey and Smt Rooplaxmi Munda, BKS and ATSEC, Guests in Dias, Children, and participants. He also appreciated the efforts of all children, teachers and parents and thanked all of them.
Read on Detail pdf :Hamara Bachpan Hamara Adhikar
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