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Empowering marginalized girls through quality education
BKS with the support of Save the Children and P&G is running the project “Empowering marginalized girls through quality education”.Project objective is to increase access and quality of education for disadvantaged and excluded children in 3 KGBV (Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayal and 8 Primary and Upper primary school surrounding of respective KGBVof3 Block of Ranchi district Chanho, Mandar and Namkum with a special focus on girls from marginalized communities. The project outreach is about 1748 marginalized girls in 10 schools of Chano, Mander and Namkum.

Key Activities

  • Support for quality education: for the joyful leaning and making the student more attentive towards education. BKS with the support of Save the Children has provided many good and quality books in the school library. The library contains story book, science kit, science Lab, sports materials etc. There is gap in the math, science and English, to fill this gap BKS has provided additional teacher in each KGBV to ensure the quality education the skill enhancement of the students.
  • Community participation for quality education: Involving community will also help in ensuring quality education. With the immense effort of BKS now the community is realizing their roles and responsibilities. BKS is working in three level to ensure the quality education such as Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRl), School Management Committee (SMQ and Parents. PRI being the local govt. body will ensure the RtE provisions and monitoring such as MDM, TLM, Students and teacher attendance. PRI of village Betlangi and Sons of Chanho Block and Khijri village of Namkum block has provided Bench Desk, Table, Chair, Almirah and conducted Parents Teachers meeting. With the support of BKS now the SMC has started its regular meeting. SMC is developing the School Development Plan and doing the second level monitoring. Parents Teacher meeting are held regularly in thePresence of SMC and PRI. BKS staffs also support in conducting and ensure the parents teacher meeting. Parents are counselled to send their wards to school regularly and the development of the student is shared.
  • Strengthening of Bal Sansad: Bal Sansad ensures the Child participation for quality Education. Bal Sansad had been formed in each school. BKS staffs visit regularly to ensure regular meeting of Bal Sansad. In this meeting various issues are discussed like- Education, Health, Gardening, Library, follow up of children who are irregular to school. They also discuss matters on sports, school discipline, and hygiene. With the efforts of Bal Sansad BKS is publishing Bi-annual Newsletter “BalSamvad” where the children are expressing their feeling through paintings, Poems and stories. This helps to enhance the skills of the students.
  • Awareness Campaign: To promote quality Education BKS has organised several awareness campaigns like Street Play, wall writing, Prabhat Pheri conducted in the schools of project area.

I am Nibha Kumari, I am studying in Class 8 at KGBV Chanho, Ranchi. Today I am very proud of myself because I am able to write and speak in English. Earlier I was very weak in English and used to shy away from my English teacher. But then BKS started its special classes on Spoken English and I started attending it. In the first few classes I found it difficult to understand. But thanks to the teacher, he encouraged me and slowly I was able to pick up his lessons. Now I can speak and write good English. For this I am very grateful to BKS and Save The Children

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