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Swavalamban is a project of Bal Kalyan Sangh collaborates with Netherland Embassy which provides free of cost skill development training program for the girls of Jharkhand. The present scenario of the Jharkhand shows that most of the young girls of the interior area are trafficked to the metropolitan cities in search of work. The economically backward family who cannot effort the living cost of their children were sent their children to work in the other states to earn some money and support their family but most of the time fake placement agencies sell the children especially girls to the hotels, brothels, Massage parlours etc.,The project gives an opportunity to the girls who want to earn and improve their livelihood. The project is mainly focused on the girls who are Survivor of trafficking, Vulnerable girls/ women, who are migrate from Jharkhand, The tribal families with no source of regular income, Tribal youth, who in search of livelihood either migrated different places or are lured into extremism the age limit for the training is 18years to 35 years and the minimum qualification which needed is reading and writing in Hindi. The two-year project is started in December 2018. Currently, the 2nd batch was ongoing.

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