

Health camp was conducted at KGBV Chanho, Mander, and Namkum by BKS with support of save the children. About 10 doctors participated in the events, which specialization in varied fields like Dental, skin related problems, eye specialist, general physician and Gynae experts


Majboor kisko bola (who are you helpless) is a radio based community programme on labor welfare human rights, social equity initiated in collaboration with BBC media action. This program is implemented in 15villages of Murhu block in khunti district. A listener group was formed in each villages and the new episodes were run every week. After the episodes the Listeners Group have the discussion over the episode. Response of the Villagers about the Radio Programme-
  1. The villagers like the radio programme, and used to listen the episodes with great interest.
  2. Through the Radio Programme the villagers came to know about many issues like that of Bonded labour, Migration, their basic rights etc.
  3. They became more vocal for want of their rights. Now if they see any case of a Missing child, they come to the Police Station to report.
  4. If anyone goes out for work they make it a point to leave the address of the destination place, along with some contact number of that place, and inform it to the other family members or neighbours.


CHILDLINE is a national project supported by Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India and linkage with the state government, NGOs, allied system and corporate sector. This 1098 is a toll free telephone number for children in need of care and protection. Any child or concerned adult on behalf of children can dial 1098 to get emergency service of CHILDLINE. BKS is working as Nodal Agency in Pakur and as Collab in Dhanbad. Presently in Pakur 6 NGO partners working in Dhanbad. CHILDLINE 1098 receives special mention in the Juvenile Justice (care and protection) Act, 2000 and it in corporate “the best interest of Juvenile’. CHILDLINE 1098 has been included as an integral component in the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS), 2009. (more…)


BKS with the support of social welfare, Govt. of Jharkhand and save the children has established two shelters Home and helpline number (1800345653) in Ranchi and (011-32673527) in Delhi. Technical support provided by save the children for this projects.


  •  Girls child rescued from trafficking are restore with their families to live with dignity and respect.
  •  Strengthening capacity of duty bearers on combating child trafficking in Jharkhand.
  • State takes action to develop a comprehensive restoration protocol of trafficked victim




A Project title “Protecting and Empowering Child domestic workers” run by BKS in two districts Ranchi and Khunti of Jharkhand. The project covers total of 80 villages in khunti districts includes two blocks Torpa and Murha and in 15 villages of Chanho block of Ranchi district. The project is supported by Save the Children, Comic relief UK and Rekkit Benkizer.The overall aim of the project is to reduce Child Domestic Work across three states through an integrated approach of prevention, response, system strengthening, awareness and rising and evidence sharing. (more…)



Empowering marginalized girls through quality education BKS with the support of Save the Children and P&G is running the project “Empowering marginalized girls through quality education”.Project objective is to increase access and quality of education for disadvantaged and excluded children in 3 KGBV (Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayal and 8 Primary and Upper primary school surrounding of respective KGBVof3 Block of Ranchi district Chanho, Mandar and Namkum with a special focus on girls from marginalized communities. The project outreach is about 1748 marginalized girls in 10 schools of Chano, Mander and Namkum. (more…)

Nursing Training

BKS has introduced this training programme in the year 2012 seeing the demand of nurses in hospitals and care units. The training was given to the girls of naxalite areas where they are forcedly involved into naxal activities or are also prone to sexual harassment. Due to un availability of livelihood opportunities they have to unwillingly get involved in these type of activities and are thus abused. So seeing this problem BKS came to introduce this training so that they could live their life with dignity and self-respect. Till now BKS has been providing training to 30 girls and have placed 28 Girls in different sectors and now they are living a life of dignity and self-respect.

Security Guards

BKS has introduced this training programme in the year 2009 with the theme “Swawalambi Bano Swabhimaan Se Jeo” and with the aim to create livelihood options for the adolescent tribal women in rural areas of Jharkhand. This is a three month training course designed to leverage on the interest and natural of skills of women with a view to give them safe and secure working environment. Along with this BKS has also trained few boys in this trade after seeing the demand of them in this sector. Till now BKS has been providing training to 379 Youths and have placed 314 Youths in different sectors and now they are living a life of dignity and self-respect.