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Bal Kalyan Sangh, also the state coordinator of ATSEC Jharkhand chapter has taken initiative and has established a shelter home, “Kishori Niketan” at Bijupara for the trafficked survivors in the year 2003. The home was built upon the commitment to reduce the vulnerability of women and children and provide care and support to the survivors of trafficking and further restore their life with dignity and future prospects.

Kishori Niketan provides an environment of comfort and delivers parental care to the survivors, who during their exploitation have lost their childhood and self confidence. The home provides them an enriched life and helps them to recover from their traumatic experience. The center provides services of continued and intensive counseling to rescued girls to slowly draw them out from the shell that they have formed around themselves. Simultaneously counseling is done at the level of the parents to motivate them to accept the girls back and restore their lost sense of dignity. The girls are also provided with the opportunity to join schools and jobs as much as possible.  As an added aid in social rehabilitation, the girls are encouraged to join singing and dancing sessions.

Kishori Niketan is a movement for combating trafficking and rehabilitating the rescued victims by making them more empowered to lead a life with dignity and respect. Since its foundation, the shelter home has rehabilitated over 1075 girls.

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